Saturday, November 21, 2009

The broadcaster in you

Podcasting can give anyone an opportunity to be a broadcaster. The definition of a podcast is a digital recording of radio broadcast or similar program that can be downloaded via the internet to be played on your computer or on a personal audio player – an iPod.
There are a couple of ways to download podcasts. You can find a show that you are interested in and download an individual episode of that show or you can subscribe to that show and have future episodes automatically downloaded to your computer. You can set your preferences to keep as many podcasts as you like. If you have an iPod that you will be downloading to periodically, you can set preferences for instance to download all or only certain shows.
Podcatching software is a term used for helping to download and listen to podcasts. For creating podcasts the term podcasting software is used. There are many podcatching sites that have podcast directories that organize podcasts to help you search through thousands of shows to find what you are interested in. Some examples of these sites are,,,, and
I used Juice as my podcatching software and connected iTunes as my podcast player. You can use windows media and other players but iTunes is pretty easy. I am now subscribing to several podcasts and a music channel.
Even though I have downloaded a podcast series of a TV program and also put it my iPod, I’ve learned a whole lot more (especially about subscribing) and can see myself using my iPod a whole lot more in the future for more than just music!
Before creating a Podcast there are some things to consider. What is the topic of the show, how long will it run, and will interviews be included. Next you need the proper equipment for putting everything together like a microphone, recording software, web cam. Your next step is hooking all the components up recording your show including music and effects. You’ll probably need to edit unless you are so good right off the bat you create the perfect podcast! And then you’ll want to convert to MP3 format. You will then be ready to publish and promote the podcast. Creating a RSS feed is necessary if you want people to subscribe to it.
A few more chapters and I might be convinced to do a podcast for my final project!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Blogger tutorial

I went through several of the blogger tutorials that I thought would be interesting last week. Hopefully I can remember what I learned! I wanted to enhance the look of my blog so I changed the font and font colors, added a blog related picture and changed the key words in the video feed to -- Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 bringing in more appropriate videos to my blog topic.
Several sections in the site feed tutorial are different from the site feed section in this blog so I am a bit confused. Although I did figure out how to automatically set up email addresses of people to inform them when a new post is published on my blog. It is also possible to send a new post for blogger to publish for you via email.
Posting and editing is very similar to other online programs I have used such as ANGEL and Lotus web design. A feature I really like is the date archiving capability that blogger automatically does for you so all of your posts are easily retrievable at a later date.
Didn't find the ping area. Its not under Publishing as the tutorial indicated.
More at a later date!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Posting images practice

Facebook as an alibi

Using facebook as an alibi is ingenius! But honestly would that be enough for me to believe my teenage son that he wasn't somewhere he was not supposed to be - I don't think so. Don't get me wrong my son is a good kid and I have no reason to suspect that he is dishonest. It just seems that this would be too easy as a cover.

The article that I read that a nineteen year old that was a suspect in a burglery had charges dropped because he showed he was on facebook at the time of the crime has me suspicious. Anyone could have been using his login. What a perfect crime. Set it all up ahead of time, use cell phones to be sure the timing was right. This is not enough evidence for me that he was not involved in the crime. Hopefully there will be furtherinvestigation on this person.

In the meantime people who read or heard about this could be devising a whole slew of criminal activities with the intention of using this defense.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

November 3rd Cancelled Class

Sorry everyone was sick! I had it too the week before fortunately only for a couple of days. Hope everyone is better by now. Especially today since we had summer in Nov. What a beautiful day!

I'm looking forward to creating an avatar. I can create whatever type of virtual person I've always wanted to be!

Will see you all on the 17th!


Thought I try using the tutorial CDs and they are not working! I remembered somebody else mentioning in class that their CD didn't work but forgot what Ken said to do.
Can anyone from class let me know? Think I need more assistance when blogging since I do not seem to navigate very well!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Hi everyone

Yes I am finally blogging! I've tried several times since our last class but every time I sit at the computer I get distracted. Have to stop checking my email first because I then get involved in all kinds of things. It means I am social networking right! New people that have found me on facebook show up -- some I may not want to befriend but feel bad ignoring. Then there's 20% off, free shipping & of course all for just one day....

Anyway class was fun - so many avenues to pursue. Blogging, twittering, delicious - what will I talk about. Everyone in class is far more advanced & very creative! I am still trying to figure out what to do with it all but am slowly coming around.

I'm going to web search now (only have a half hour before game time!) Do I want to watch the Bills today - probably not but I can't resist!